In the South Bay of San Francisco, a former industrial area is transforming into a walkable collection of hotels, restaurants, and has any amenity a commuter or conference visitor could need. On a choice site adjacent to the bay, a twelve-story modular hotel, Hyatt House, will be erected in record time to offer guests a superior experience. With two and a half levels of parking, guests arrive in an elevated lobby with broad balconies, a corner bar, and modern lobby and conference space. Above this concrete podium, nine stories of modular guestrooms give a variety of options to travelers. Some efficiency rooms offer views of the mountains, and other one-bedrooms suites provide views of the bay. All rooms have been developed with Stack Modular, a leader in the industry whose units offer the best in quality control speed of construction and the quietest guestrooms. Care was taken in the development to appease the municipality, Bay Commission Development Commission, the FAA, and other regulatory bodies to solve a host of other issues, including the creation of a pocket park along the adjacent creek. The owner, the modular company, and FFKR all look forward to the completion of this project that we feel will redefine the way to build responsibly in urban areas.

Main Entrance

View of the San Francisco Bay

Pocket Park adjacent to the Hyatt Hotel

Promenade Bridge